by Eunjoo K.
If you know the other side of a situation, it might help you to be happier than before. “A sound mind in a healthy body.” I like this saying. It is important for you to have a healthy mind to be happier. Focus on positive thoughts and let go negative thoughts. But it is not easy to get rid of them in your mind. It is helpful to have positive thoughts.
You can make a regular life routine like getting up early, having healthy food, and having a good night of sleep. Especially, you should exercise as a routine. You could use your body properly such as walking, running, and yoga or stretching. Having good habits is good for you. Then you can feel better and have a healthy body.
Love is the most important part to find happiness. Loving yourself is No.1 priority. Do not judge harshly and be kind to yourself . If you love yourself, you can love others also. I recommend to give some gifts or try something new for you. In my case, I love going to a very nice coffee shop. Think about what you love and try it.
You can meet with friends to make you happy and you can do some activities that you love. You can serve and volunteer for others as you can. Learning something new is a very good way to be happier. Find somethings that you’re interested in and try them. You can be happier than before. Don’t forget, love yourself, to be happier.